Friday, March 28, 2008

Moleskin art.

I'm sure many of you know of the famed Moleskin journals, you may even own one (i do, love it), however have you heard of Detour? Detour (the moleskin city notebook experience) is a Moleskin project that is non profit supporting the Lettera27 group. Lettera27 is a non profit organization promoting literacy and the right to read, bring education to places it's needed. (pretty cool...) Anyway, Detour shows in different cities around the world showcasing artist's works in Moleskin sketch books. These artist come up with some awesome things. Here have a look!
or get instant gratification and watch below...

Antonio Jorge Gonçalves

Valeria Petrone

Harrie Fieber

okay kids. just some fun stuff to explore! have fun.
talk to you soon,

Julianna. xoxo

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