Thursday, August 21, 2008


Hey Guys! Here it comes! Mystery Beer Weekend at the Memphis Taproom. How much about beer do you know? Here's the chance to test your skills. Come out and drink flights or pints of mystery beers and then turn in your ballots to try and win the killer beer basket! It's happening all labor day weekend! And better than that, I'll be working the whole thing! So come show me some love! Woo. Guaranteed fun to be had by all! Come out and don't be this guy...
Married To The Sea

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Baby stuff!

Hey all! Some of you might know that I print baby apparel. However you might not know where to buy it! Well I'm working on updating my Etsy, but in the meantime you can definitely head to RUE COUTURE in Collingswood, NJ and pick some up. woo. Vince and Sandy Vasallo own and run this adorable boutique. So what's great is you'll get to support my work and their awesome shop. Here's some info on the place. And here's some pictures of my work there!

Okay kids, Have fun! Talk to you soon.

Julianna. xoxo

Thursday, August 14, 2008


TWO BLOGS IN ONE WEEK!!!!! I'm on the up and up here.

Hey guys! Check out my flickr. Believe it or not I'm much better at updating that. I'm using it to take pictures of interesting signage around the city....and also to post pictures of my cats. I mean who doesn't like cats, and signs. Seriously. Okay! Have fun looking.

Oh and will someone please find these books for me?!?!?!
I think I need to read them.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Hey check out the new blog Leah, Mike, and I are working on!
all words we deem great, or just good.